Thursday, October 19, 2006

Intravenous Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells

Recall how hydrogen peroxide is poured on wounds to kill germs. Well now researchers clearly show high-dose vitamin C, when administered intravenously, can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels within cancer cells and kills them. I.V. vitamin C was also demonstrated to kill germs and may be an effective therapy for infectious disease.

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Argument against the woe that is myspace.

For some, it would be unthinkable, certain social suicide. But Gabe Henderson is finding freedom in a recent decision: He canceled his MySpace account. No longer enthralled with the world of social networking, the 26-year- old graduate student pulled the plug after realizing that a lot of the online friends he accumulated were really just aquaintances...

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